Microsoft word Question & Answer
MicroSoft Word Question & Answer
1. Microsoft Office 2007 is a ........
Microsoft Office 2007 is a Software.
2. Microsoft Office 2007 is a ..........
Microsoft Office 2007 is a Group of Computer Program.
3. Powerful Word processing program is a .........
Powerful Word processing program is a MS-Word.
4. Microsoft Word 2007 use on .......Tab (by default)
Microsoft Word 2007 use on Seven Tab.
5. Microsoft Word new document open press on........
Microsoft Word new document open press on ctrl + n.
6. Ms Word save the file press on .........
Ms Word save the file press on ctrl + s.
7. Microsoft Office file close press on ............
Microsoft Office file close press on ctrl + w.
8. Finally exit Microsoft Word press on .......
Finally exit Microsoft Word press on alt + f4.
9. Apply cut option press on ........
Apply cut option press on ctrl + x.
10. Using the Italic word press on.........
Using the Italic word press on ctrl + i.
Microsoft word alignment is four type.
12. MS-Word table option use, click on .........
MS-Word table option use, click on insert tab.
Insert Menu or Tab you can Insert Header & Footer.
16. .........Option from clipboard is used to move data from one place to another in a document.
MS-Word table option use, click on insert tab.
13. Microsoft Word 2007 split cells option use on ............
Microsoft Word 2007 split cells option use on merge group.
Microsoft Word 2007 split cells option use on merge group.
14. MS-Word 2007 Cells alignment are ..........types
MS-Word 2007 Cells alignment are nine types .
15. .......... Menu or Tab you can Insert Header & Footer. MS-Word 2007 Cells alignment are nine types .
Insert Menu or Tab you can Insert Header & Footer.
16. .........Option from clipboard is used to move data from one place to another in a document.
Cut & Paste Option from clipboard is used to move data from one place to another in a document.
17. an option in Font group.
Change Case is an option in Font group..
18. Bullets and Numbering use on ............Tab.
Bullets and Numbering use on Home Tab.
19. Cut, Copy and Paste is in .............Group in the Home Tab.
Cut, Copy and Paste is in Clipboard Group in the Home Tab.
20. ....... Option is used to convert from UPPER CASE to lower case.
Change Case Option is used to convert from UPPER CASE to lower case..
21. ............ is the smallest and largest font size available in font size on formatting tool bar.
8 to 72 is the smallest and largest font size available in font size on formatting tool bar.
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